Passionate Awakenings Events Schedule (Click to open)
Passionate Awakenings is Restructuring! |
Passionate Awakenings Updates: Here's the News |
I'm hard at work creating the next wave of trainings & services to support you better than ever - getting ready to emerge from my teaching sabbatical. Look for new offerings in the coming months. | ||||
Baby Jason was born 1/3/19! He's thriving and growing by leaps and bounds, what an amazing being! We are very blessed... | ||||
I'm still available for session work as always, in person or over Zoom video conference. I've been doing this for 30 years, and I'm confident you'll be very happy with the rapid deep results I help folks achieve. You'll get the most out of working within a package of sessions, but you can always sample one... SCHEDULE A FREE CONSULTATION |
Online Courses are coming! Starting with Empowered Communication and Trigger Happy, these evening workshops will now be multi-session hybrid courses with live and virtual attendees. | ||||
EMBRACING THE BELOVED Awakened Relationship Training |
I'm super excited to announce that the Core Training is developing into EMBRACING THE BELOVED: a 6 month program with intensive residential weekends, online group & private sessions, membership site, and ongoing community support. I've known for some time that this work needs a deeper container and ongoing learning community to be all it can be, and here it is. We'll have the time to sip the lessons, integrate, and grow together in the group. It will include the content from Self-Sourcing, Erotic Devotion, and Awakening the Constant Heart, expanded and enhanced as a Rigorous Multidimensional Mystery School. Everything you need to master COMMUNICATION, TRIGGERS, and the science of Creating Fulfilling Stable RELATIONSHIPS THAT WORK & UPLIFT. Install a durable foundation for Spiritual Awakening, and re-thread all your relationships to that octave... | ||||
KEYS TO FREEDOM, formerly Level 4 of the Core Training, is being reinvented as a 3 month Advanced Training in Empowerment, Manifestation, and Thriving in Abundance. If Relationship is the can opener that ignites the fires of Awakening and opens our hearts, POWER is the goal posts. It's what there is to do with an open heart, and mastering our Personal Power is the only way to stabilize our Heart Awakening and keep it from frequently crumbling. Prosperity, Power Relations, Intentional Creation, & Fully Embodied Awakening... | ||||
The EHA (Erotic Healing Arts) Practitioner Certification is alive & well, and will be offered again in 2020. This extended mentorship will take you deep into the Jedi level skills in releasing trauma into ecstatic pleasure & intimacy - for you and your beloved(s), Tantra buddies, & clients. | ||||
Join us and make 2019 your BREAKTHROUGH AWAKENING year! |

Many traditions of initiation, awakening, and healing in the past have included an erotic component. Much of that has been lost in the social sphere, but has survived in secret, and is experiencing a resurgence. Excellent practitioners are emerging around the world, and I’m training some of them! But we don’t need that depth of mastery to get started with partners and friends.
Erotic Healing sessions are a profound encounter where we hold sacred space for our partner with great reverence and care. It can be very pleasurable for both, but that’s not the point, and it’s completely different than normal lovemaking. Our focus is on depeening our beloved’s self-connection, and following their energy wherever it leads ~ unlocking hidden pain or pleasure, and thawing the places where energy is blocked, or nothing seems to be happening. It’s a gift they will be deeply grateful for, and a one to be taken seriously.
I’ve been working with trauma and couples counseling for over 30 years, and practicing Erotic Healing Arts in some form for 20. I look forward to introducing you to this exquisite world, or helping you take your relationship and Tantra practice to next level and beyond…

~ Gwen
“I’m so grateful to know David and to work with him as a Tantric partner, friend and healer. David embodies such deep presence and wisdom, I am truly inspired by him. He is certainly up to the task of holding space for emotional triggers when/if they arise to help heal them, and his unconditional love, clarity, and way of being is a breath of fresh air for anyone who is looking to embody more of their sexual and sensual nature. He honors boundaries and holds such beautiful space for the feminine. He is compassionate and so loving and warm. I feel blessed by his presence.”
~ Paloma
“David was so welcoming, so warm and easy, I felt at ease right from the start. And oh, to be met, so deeply and fully met, in ways I didn’t even know I wanted, in ways I haven’t even been meeting myself. I felt seen, and better than seen — beheld — in my entirety, beheld and approved and celebrated. In every word, gesture, touch, I felt David’s intention to gently remind me, to convince me, of my goddessness, It was truly a gift beyond words.”
~ A Private Client
“This is my first experience listening to David and trying this type of work with my partner. This gives insight into the humility of David and his skill at helping others through their hardships. What a level of intelligence you have David. You are truly awake… not affected by ego challenges. Safe, sacred space… echoing in my heart now…”
~ Sydney

It’s a stand alone event, and also a prelude to the content we dive deep with there.
You can also apply your registration for the Intro towards Erotic Healing for Lovers if you choose to register that night.

Many traditions of initiation, awakening, and healing in the past have included an erotic component. When handled with wisdom, care, and experience, few if any other healing modalities have similar depth and power to rapidly heal core wounding and trauma, and awaken the fullness of our love, power, and pleasure in life and relating.
This workshop explores the history and practice of Erotic Healing Arts, from a range of traditions and perspectives, and includes a live demonstration and exercises partners do in class fully clothed, within their comfort zone. It is recommended but not required to come with a partner to work with.
We will also learn about the Erotic Healing For Lovers weekend workshop, and the 3 month Erotic Healing Arts Practitioner Certification Training with David.

About David:

David has received initiation in several spiritual traditions and been mentored by a number of eclectic trailblazers. David’s teachers have included Hamid (AH) Almaas, Katie & Jitendra Darling, Antero Alli, Oberon & Morning Glory Ravenheart, Anodea Judith, Charles & Caroline Muir, Kutira & Raphael, Evalena Rose, Sonika Tinker & Christian Pederson, Scott Catamas, Dawna Markova, Arnold Mindell, Lama Shakya Zangpo, Drunvalo. David has served on staff at Motherwave Awakening Trainings, Kahua Institute, and as organizer for ISTA trainings.
Devotional by nature, his special pleasure is in mentoring clients and beloved friends into greater love, authenticity, self-empowerment, and expansive possibility. David aims to do all things in a relaxed spirit of skillful, creative play and adventure.

David Imiri: David's work is about awakening and stabilizing authentic Heart presence, with a focus on sacred intimacy. David has recently returned to school to pursue his doctorate in psychology. He brings deep and well-honed abilities of holding space, insight & articulation, intuition, gentle challenge, and nurturing care. Having practiced individual and relationship counseling, bodywork, and leading groups for 30 years, David has received initiation in several spiritual traditions and been mentored by a number of eclectic trailblazers. Devotional by nature, his special pleasure is in mentoring clients and beloved friends into greater love, authenticity, self-empowerment, and expansive possibility. David aims to do all things in a relaxed spirit of skillful, creative play and adventure.
About David: