Thank you for your feedback & input! Email Thank you for taking the time to complete this form Name * Email * Training Content Overall Quality of the Content: * Amazing & life changing! Really great, I got a lot of value. Very good, I found value in it. This training left much to be desired. I am disappointed with this training. General comments and suggestions on content: Modalities I especially valued: (multi select) * Lecture Content Visual Aids (Videos, Slides, etc.) Discussion & Spot Coaching Connecting & Tribe Sharing Exercises Experiential Exercises Mapping Exercises Guided Meditations Music Journeys (internal) Breathwork Shamanic Journeys Tantra Awakening Work Private Sessions Replay Videos Handouts & Visual Aids Review Lectures Ally Rendezvous Homework Circle Breakouts Comments and suggestions on modalities * Circles I especially valued: (multi select) * C1: Triggers & Trauma Trigger Happy Workshop DD2: Understandings & Skills C2: Superego C3: Authority C4: Free Will C5: Burning Desire C6: Reset C7: Safety 1 C8: Safety 2 C9: Shadow 1 C10: Shadow 2 C11: Power Relations C12: Leadership C13: Sacred Union Comments and suggestions on circles * Comments and suggestions on retreats * Relevance of Content: * I found all the content highly relevant I found most of the content highly relevant I found much of the content highly relevant I found some of the content irrelevant I found much of the content irrelevant I struggled to find the relevance of too much of the content Comments and suggestions on relevance of content: Coherency of Content & Sequence: * I found the sequence of content highly coherent I found the sequence of content mostly coherent I found the sequence of content roughly coherent I found the sequence of content needing improvement I found the sequence of content significantly lacking I found the sequence of content incoherent Comments and suggestions on coherency & sequence of content: Effectiveness of Training: * I found the training highly effective I found most of the training effective I found much of the training effective I found the effectiveness of the training needing improvement I found the effectiveness of the training significantly lacking I found too much of the training to be ineffective Comments and suggestions on effectiveness of the training: Enjoyability of Training: * I found the training highly fun & exciting I found most of the training fun & exciting I found much of the training fun & exciting I found the enjoyability of the training needing improvement I found the enjoyability of the training significantly lacking I did not enjoy too much of the training Comments and suggestions on enjoyability of the training: Multimedia Experiences Quality: (Video & Music Journeys) * The multimedia experiences were consistently awesome The multimedia experiences were usually awesome The multimedia experiences were often awesome The multimedia experiences were sometimes awesome The multimedia experiences were occasionally awesome The multimedia experiences were significantly lacking I did not enjoy much of the multimedia experiences Comments and suggestions on multimedia experiences quality: Multimedia Experiences Quantity: (Video & Music Journeys) * I would have enjoyed even more multimedia experiences There were just about the right amount of multimedia experiences There were a little too much multimedia experiences There were too much multimedia experiences There were way too much multimedia experiences Comments and suggestions on multimedia experiences quantity: Handouts & visual aids refers to handouts, pdf's, slides, and powerpoints. Yes, I know handouts and visual aids were not as complete as I would have liked. I tried to keep up, and I still intend to catch up, and provide them once more are rendered. I'd like you to review what did make it to your hands, and any comments on the category overall. Handouts & Visual Aids * The HVA's provided were consistently awesome The HVA's provided were usually awesome The HVA's provided were of varied quality The HVA's provided were unsatisfactory Comments and suggestions on handouts & visual aids Training Delivery Quality of the Technology * Unbelievable! A OK Plenty good enough. It'll do. Not what I had hoped for. Comments and suggestions on technology Zoom meetings * Unbelievable! A OK Plenty good enough. It'll do. Not what I had hoped for. Comments and suggestions on Zoom meetings BAND app * Unbelievable! A OK Plenty good enough. It'll do. Not what I had hoped for. Comments and suggestions on BAND and/or other hub apps Share folders (SpiderOak for group resources & private sessions) * Unbelievable! A OK Plenty good enough. It'll do. Not what I had hoped for. Comments and suggestions on SpiderOak and file sharing systems Quality of the Accommodations (Spirit Lake Hermitage) * Unbelievable! A OK Plenty good enough. It'll do. Not what I had hoped for. Comments and suggestions on accommodations Quality of the Food * Unbelievable! A OK Plenty good enough. It'll do. Not what I had hoped for. Comments and suggestions on food David Review Quality of the teaching overall: * David was awesome! David was usually in good form This was mixed for me, I had some struggles I felt the teaching was lacking in some important ways Not happy, something was very triggering for me Comments and suggestions about David's teaching overall * Please Respond to the Following Statements David showed strong leadership * Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neither Agree or Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly DIsagree David showed strong wisdom * Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neither Agree or Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly DIsagree David showed strong care * Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neither Agree or Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly DIsagree David was fun and entertaining * Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neither Agree or Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly DIsagree David was knowledgable * Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neither Agree or Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly DIsagree David was skillful * Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neither Agree or Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly DIsagree David's teaching was understandable * Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neither Agree or Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly DIsagree David's teaching was practical * Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neither Agree or Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly DIsagree David's teaching was memorable * Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neither Agree or Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly DIsagree David's challenges & confrontation were appropriate * Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neither Agree or Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly DIsagree David handled challenging situations well * Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neither Agree or Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly DIsagree David supported participation well * Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neither Agree or Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly DIsagree Comments and suggestions about David's teaching skills and qualities * Reflections on Structure What would be the right length for Embracing the Beloved? * 6 months 9 months 1 year Number of weekend retreats? * Every 2 months Every 3 months Just 3 (opening, mid, closing) Monthly virtual breathwork (on months with no retreat) * YesNoOptional Monthly longer Saturday session (on months with no retreat) * YesNo Login membership area backend with all resources (instead of other platforms) * YesNo Pre-recorded content videos (required, to allow more circle time for discussion/coaching/breakouts) * YesNo More required homework (reading, videos, writing assignments) * YesNo Wrapping Up What about this training met or exceeded your expectations? How? * What parts did not meet your expectations? How? * What could I improve about this training? * Anything else you would like to say? Your overall happiness with ETB: * Would you recommend this training? * YesNo Likelihood I will continue this work with David * Next steps I am interested in: (multi-select) * Next major training (next level) Review/assist in next ETB Ongoing alumni group Virtual live courses (4-8 sessions) Virtual online courses (video, multimedia, homework) Partner Tantra training Communication training Professional training Private sessions Would you like to offer a testimonial? YesNot Right Now