Well, sort of. Definitely that’s a part of it, but listen to this. Tantra is an ancient tradition of Awakening. We may use sex, intimate relationships, and erotic energy in Tantra, but Tantra is really about Heart Awakening, and spreading that to all our experiences in life ~ just like we learn to spread the energy through our bodies and all our chakras during sex.
I talk about Heart Awakening because when we hear the word Awakening by itself, we sometimes get an image of something about our mind, or something moving up towards the top of our head and our upper body. We may forget that the Heart is at the center of our experience of ourselves, and I would say it’s most important to focus there.
In this workshop we’ll have a brief introduction to Tantra and my approach to teaching it, and then do some experiential exercises for connecting with ourselves and each other. The main part of the evening is a Tantric Puja Ceremony, a ritual of heart centered authentic playful practices for sharing the energy and spirit of Tantra together. We’ll have the opportunity to connect with many in the room, in safe and honest ways, or we can do the entire evening with one partner we come with if we prefer that. We’ll work with Breath, Sound, Movement, and Touch, in a variety of ways. Some of the experiences can become sensual and arousing if our energy mutually wants to go there, but no one will be disrobing or having sex, and nothing is ever required ~ we are encouraged to give ourselves and our partners the gift of our full authenticity at all times.
Tantra is a great practice to:
☸ Increase Intimacy and Love between partners
☸ Help us heal our Heart wounds and separation from Source
☸ Become skilled in Sensing, Following, and Directing life force energy in our bodies
☸ Learn to flow with life with more Ease, Grace, Sensitivity, and Playfulness
☸ Integrate our own inner Feminine and Masculine
☸ Heal inhibitions and embrace our full power in a Heart centered way
☸ Awaken more Love, Joy, and feeling of Connection in life
Join us for this beautiful evening of Heart Awakening…
Passionate Awakenings Events Schedule (Click to open)
Passionate Awakenings is Restructuring! |
Passionate Awakenings Updates: Here's the News |
I'm hard at work creating the next wave of trainings & services to support you better than ever - getting ready to emerge from my teaching sabbatical. Look for new offerings in the coming months. | ||||
Baby Jason was born 1/3/19! He's thriving and growing by leaps and bounds, what an amazing being! We are very blessed... | ||||
I'm still available for session work as always, in person or over Zoom video conference. I've been doing this for 30 years, and I'm confident you'll be very happy with the rapid deep results I help folks achieve. You'll get the most out of working within a package of sessions, but you can always sample one... SCHEDULE A FREE CONSULTATION |
Online Courses are coming! Starting with Empowered Communication and Trigger Happy, these evening workshops will now be multi-session hybrid courses with live and virtual attendees. | ||||
EMBRACING THE BELOVED Awakened Relationship Training |
I'm super excited to announce that the Core Training is developing into EMBRACING THE BELOVED: a 6 month program with intensive residential weekends, online group & private sessions, membership site, and ongoing community support. I've known for some time that this work needs a deeper container and ongoing learning community to be all it can be, and here it is. We'll have the time to sip the lessons, integrate, and grow together in the group. It will include the content from Self-Sourcing, Erotic Devotion, and Awakening the Constant Heart, expanded and enhanced as a Rigorous Multidimensional Mystery School. Everything you need to master COMMUNICATION, TRIGGERS, and the science of Creating Fulfilling Stable RELATIONSHIPS THAT WORK & UPLIFT. Install a durable foundation for Spiritual Awakening, and re-thread all your relationships to that octave... | ||||
KEYS TO FREEDOM, formerly Level 4 of the Core Training, is being reinvented as a 3 month Advanced Training in Empowerment, Manifestation, and Thriving in Abundance. If Relationship is the can opener that ignites the fires of Awakening and opens our hearts, POWER is the goal posts. It's what there is to do with an open heart, and mastering our Personal Power is the only way to stabilize our Heart Awakening and keep it from frequently crumbling. Prosperity, Power Relations, Intentional Creation, & Fully Embodied Awakening... | ||||
The EHA (Erotic Healing Arts) Practitioner Certification is alive & well, and will be offered again in 2020. This extended mentorship will take you deep into the Jedi level skills in releasing trauma into ecstatic pleasure & intimacy - for you and your beloved(s), Tantra buddies, & clients. | ||||
Join us and make 2019 your BREAKTHROUGH AWAKENING year! |

Your voice was wonderful to listen to.”
~ Amara Karuna, Tantra Teacher
“David is a holistic slow jam tantra event master. He creates an open and supportive space to feel into the moment in full sensuality experiential mode with yourself and others in a safe and nurturing way. I was overflowing with heart opening after the events! Highly recommended!”
~ Paul Antico
“Yes totally beautiful, luscious night of heart centered communication, flow and intimacy! Thank you David for creating such an authentic heart space for us to commune in!!!”
~ Leah Zahner

David Imiri: David's work is about awakening and stabilizing authentic Heart presence, with a focus on sacred intimacy. He brings deep and well-honed abilities of holding space, insight & articulation, intuition, gentle challenge, and nurturing care. Having practiced individual and relationship counseling, bodywork, and leading groups for 30 years, David has received initiation in several spiritual traditions and been mentored by a number of eclectic trailblazers. Devotional by nature, his special pleasure is in mentoring clients and beloved friends into greater love, authenticity, self-empowerment, and expansive possibility. David aims to do all things in a relaxed spirit of skillful, creative play and adventure.