Welcome to the first edition of our new newsletter!
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Passionate Awakenings is expanding, and I’m so excited to be able to share so much with so many more of you! The pacific northwest tour has been a big success in Vancouver BC and Seattle, with almost 20 workshops and trainings over the last few months! I’m loving it up here, and the big news is that I’ve moved to Seattle! I’m still available for sessions as always over video. Gearing up now for another round of events all through the summer. The big weekends are Passionate Awakenings Level 1: Erotic Devotion 7/28-30 and the opening intensive of the Erotic Healing Arts Practitioner Certificate Training 7/21-23. People can travel from anywhere for these, we have residential accommodations and discounts may be available for those with big travel expenses. More on these below.

So I’m very grateful to have this life, and very grateful to be able to support you in having more of the most fulfilling things you desire, and contribute to the dawning world we all feel arising right here in the space between our hearts…

Quick Links:
Private Sessions with David Imiri

Available anywhere via Zoom Video Conference
David has practiced counseling, coaching, and bodywork professionally for 30 years, specializing in love relationships, mentoring emerging leaders, and PTSD. As an Awakening Coach, David’s work is about establishing and stabilizing authentic Heart presence, with a focus on sacred intimacy. He brings deep and well-honed abilities of holding space, insight & gentle challenge, and unraveling triggers. Devotional by nature, his special pleasure is in mentoring clients and beloved friends into greater love, authenticity, self-empowerment, and expansive possibility. David aims to do all things in a relaxed spirit of skillful, creative play and adventure.

“I am amazed at how effective David’s methods are. By gently guiding me through difficult emotions and situations, he helped me achieve a powerful, trusting, and meaningful relationship with my partner as well as with myself. I did not know it was even possible to have such a conscious, loving relationship… David, I cannot thank you enough!”
~ Aron S, Avian Zoologist

Erotic Healing Arts Certificate

July 14-16: Have you ever wanted to share deep Erotic Healing with your partner? In Tantra community? Maybe even professionally?

This Practitioner Certificate Training is for you!

“My sessions with David have brought me some of the most profound healings I have experienced. He has the ability to intuit needs and desires from a deep place of reverence for the mysteries of the erotic healing arts, and move us both, with integrity and care, into the energy that arises within that space. With laser sharp awareness, his exquisitely responsive hands, heart, and breath move in time with my own rhythms. Each session I find myself deepening ever more into a peaceful surrender to the unfolding of my own process that leaves me both enlivened and deeply relaxed. I highly recommend David to anyone who wants to drop deeply into themselves, cradled within the safe and loving container that he holds.”
~ Gwen

Passionate Awakenings Level 1

July 14-16: The Passionate Awakenings training has 4 levels, and is a profound initiation into the mysteries of

“Tantra as a path of Awakening, from the INside Out”

Remembering and recreating the feminine side of Tantra, for a new time.
Level 1 lays the foundations for a Tantra liberated from prescriptions and dogmas tainted by patriarchal values, a Tantra that comes from our hearts and follows the energy of the moment with exquisite sensitivity and deep insight into authentic Awakening.

Embracing The Beloved

4 Tuesday Evenings:  Aug 8th – 29th, 7-9 PM (PST)
+ Private Sessions scheduled at your convenience
(2 for Individuals, 3 for Couples)

In this 4 session journey, you will go deep into the discovery and practice of life changing principles for creating relationships that deeply nourish you and your present or future beloved, body & soul, and have the potential to create a lasting upwards spiral of co-creative synergy! We’ll also have the opportunity for group spot-coaching, and witness others, to support integrating the insights & tools, work through issues in your relationship, and build community.

What is Ego Death? Should we want it?

The ego psychology speaks of is not the same concept as the ego spiritual traditions speak of. It’s unfortunate that many people confuse the two. In psychology the ego is the developmental hierarchy of needs and the personality structure. We need a healthy strong ego to be capable and create good relationships. In spirituality the ego is the separate self that is concerned only with itself, the reactive mind which is nothing but a contraction of fear. Actually, if the first kind is not strong enough, that’s what makes the second kind expand. It’s only when we have strong self-esteem, self-confidence, and functional capacity to handle life’s challenges that we even have access to a stable spiritual awakening. If not, we’re mired in the mud of our fears, reactions, and insecurities. Even if we pop through to clear states, we fall out over and over again, which can get us stuck in longing and striving. Ego death then, is an especially unfortunate and easily misunderstood phrase. The ego of psychology cannot and should not die until the body does. As the “ego functions” become more integrated, we naturally gain the capacity to let go and flow more and more free of reactions, and experience ourselves as connected to others and to life, expanding our sense of identity. Nothing “dies” ~ our sense of self expands to be more inclusive. Eventually it just stops making sense to see ourselves as separate, because we’re obviously not. 

The ego in the psychological sense is the core of our functional capacity. Where we were hurt or didn’t have support to succeed in developmental challenges, we will still feel this as parts of our inner child. We need to nurture, respect, and guide those parts like we would any child. As our wounded inner child heals and matures, only the numinous inner child of our heart remains, the healthy core of love, innocence, and play. It’s our wounded inner child that stops the flow of love in our lives, or really our judgement and rejection of it that stops the love – the love we can give to ourselves, as well as to others. That’s the ego that spiritual traditions speak of – the contracted sticking place that stops the love – first of all by stopping the flow of our love to ourselves. As the inner child heals, the “spiritual ego” relaxes and releases, and learns to trust life, to trust ourselves. We come home, to all of us. That’s the basis for an integral approach to “ego transcendence”, as opposed to the hyper-masculine approaches of the patriarchal past. Nurture the ego, don’t nuke it! Love it into dissolving away…

So for lasting transcendence that feels natural and personally connected, it’s back to Maslow’s pyramid, and not games of forcing our kundalini up our chakras and out the top, or “doing battle with the ego”. Yes, the answer very much includes finding unconditional love for ourselves. Not ourselves as an object or constructed personality, but the actual unmediated experience of ourself, as we can sense it. It’s the “superego” voices, of internalized parental and social judgements, which usually see our innocent authenticity as “childish”. We get scared that the world or significant others won’t accept or approve of what we’re feeling, and we shut it down by calling it that. The heart is child-like, with it’s raw feelings and unfiltered experience. The more we love ourselves, holding all our experiences with loving curiosity and care, the more safe we are to live in our hearts. That brings us a more resilient self-affirmation that heals the search for approval from others and all manner of rigidity.

This is the dissolving of the “spiritual” ego, and re-opens us to our authenticity of Being in all it’s natural expressions. This is living in the heart…

Passionate Awakenings Events Schedule (Click to open)

Thank You Everyone for an Amazing Tour 2018!
Passionate Awakenings is Back Home in the Bay Area

Return to Northern California

Tribal Eros ~ A Tantric Approach to
Polyamory (Radio Interview)

Leading Edge Love
on BlogTalk Radio

Tue 8/14

6-7 PM

Log On Now

Intimate Communication
Live AND Online

Online LiveStream
& Bay Area TBA

Wed 10/3

7-10:30 PM

Register Now

Tribal Eros ~ Awakened Polyamory
Live AND Online

Online LiveStream
& Bay Area TBA

Tue 10/16

7-10:30 PM

Register Now

Oct/Nov 2018: Las Vegas NV

Trigger Happy!
Live AND Online

Las Vegas Vortex
Fall Fest & Online

Thu 10/25

7-10:30 PM

Register Now

Tantric Cuddle Yoga Sutra

Las Vegas NV

Tue 10/30

7-10:30 PM

Register Now

Intro to Erotic Healing Arts

Las Vegas NV

Thu 11/1

7-10:30 PM

Register Now

Erotic Devotion

Las Vegas NV

Fri-Sun, 11/2-4

Fri 7-10:30,
Sat 10-10, Sun 10-6

Register Now

2019: Brazil

Tantric Awakening Experience Retreat
w/ David Imiri & Paula Kohatsu

Ubatuba, Sao Paulo, Brazil


8 Days

Register Now

Bold = multi-day training   Purple = Online Events  Red = Special Events & Appearances  Blue = Tour Events 
All times are local to event venue. Online event times are local to region I am based in at the time.

Praise for David Imiri

“I am amazed at how effective David’s methods are. By gently guiding me through difficult emotions and situations, he helped me achieve a powerful, trusting, and meaningful relationship with my partner as well as with myself. We are super happy with the work David has done with us, both individually and as a couple. I did not know it was even possible to have such a conscious, loving relationship but here we are – and David helped us get there! David, I cannot thank you enough!”
~ Aron S, Avian Zoologist

“I felt safe and seen, and the quality of what David shared was high. David comes truly from his heart, things become light around him. David knows how to shift pain to love and acceptance, like no other. A man who knows the heart of women and men who long to turn to love. Your openness and wisdom, your genuine love and interest… Thank you David.”
~ Carolina

“Oh my god you are amazing. Every time we meet with you, we seem to evolve in our relationship. Your expertise and kindness are priceless. I am in awe about how perceptive you continue to be. It’s pretty incredible. Thank you for your help, you are delightful. Eternally grateful. ♡”
~ Jennie

“Without a doubt David Imiri came into my life and assisted myself as well as my partner through some very crucial transitions. I believe that without his loving presence we would not be where we are today. I believe firmly in coaching as a catalyst for transformation in oneself and one’s relationships. David Imiri is an excellent catalyst. I highly recommend him. Much love”
~ T


Contact David

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