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Thank you for registering for the Transformational Breathwork workshop! We will get in touch with you shortly to provide more information.

About David Imiri

I have been an explorer, mentor, teacher, counselor, bodyworker, group leader, practitioner of healing arts, and spiritual heart-friend for three decades. Recently I’ve returned to school to pursue my masters in transpersonal psychology. I’ve been told I have unique abilities of holding space, insight and articulation, intuition and loving challenge, and nurturing care. I’m blessed to have taken initiation in a number of spiritual traditions, and been mentored by ground breaking trailblazers. I’m devotional by nature, and my special pleasure is in mentoring clients and beloved friends into greater love, authenticity, true self-empowerment, and expansive possibility. I aim to do all things in a spirit of skillful, rigorous, creative play and adventure. I’m here to love, to enjoy life, and to be a part of our great awakening.